TMS Global is our product delivery platform, designed and built around the end-user experience and with the personal learning journey as a primary focus.

In one place, learners will find everything they need to complete, read, learn about and share their profiles as well as access a wide range of learning applications and resources. 


Provided to support learners, this resource dives into the theory of the profile with practical activities and further reading to enrich the learners professional and team development.


The TMP-linked Diagnostic Tools are designed to enable better learning and improve communication amongst teams and individuals. The tools were created to enhance the TMP learning experience and assist learners to use the TMS Suite of Profiles in practical application. Each tool is presented in a questionnaire format and all provide instant feedback for the learner.

The Pacing tool is designed to help improve communication with others by providing specific and customised advice on ‘pacing’ a particular individual. This tool also includes an eCoach video which guides the learners through the tool and the interpretation of the feedback. The Pacing tool can be used over and over for any number of assessments.

Job Match
The Job Match tool provides real-time match information between a learner's work preferences and the critical Types of Work in their role. The interactive tool uses the learners' personalised TMP results and responses from the Job Match questionnaire to create the feedback.

My Team
Using the My Team tool, learners answer a short questionnaire and receive instant feedback on their team’s performance on the nine critical Types of Work. The results are combined with their personal TMP results to produce feedback that highlights key issues and helps the individual and team to develop action plans for improvement. Ideal for project planning, team members can review and share their results with other team members.


The learning resources library contains a series of workbooks, eBooks and videos which explain different TMS models and concepts. Resources are displayed dependent on the profile or profiles a respondent has completed. 

- High Energy Teams
- Language of Teamwork
- Linking Leadership
- QO2 Opportunities-Obstacles
- Window on Work Values


- An Overview of the Team Management Profile
- The Workplace Behaviour Pyramid
- Types of Work Wheel
- Measures of Work Preference
- Team Management Wheel