Colour Meetings
August 6, 2024
Effective team collaboration is crucial for success. The concept of Colour Meetings, developed by the authors of the Team Management Profile, utilizes the Types of Work model to enhance team functionality. Each Colour Meeting – Green, Yellow, Red, and Blue…

QO2: The Change Catalyst
March 9, 2024
Navigating change is a critical capability for businesses operating in these turbulent times. One powerful tool to aid this process is the Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2), which provides a structured way to understand individuals' orientations towards risks and opportunities. This understanding…

Mastering the Art of 'Maintaining' in Life and Work
January 16, 2024
New year traditions beckon us to reflect and recalibrate. They offer a mindful interlude amidst our busy lives, allowing us to check in on ourselves and set motivating intentions for the new year. For many of us, this is a…

Career Growth: Navigating Changing Work Preferences
November 11, 2023
Setting out on a career path is an intimately personal journey, unique for everyone and as varied as our individual stories. The Team Management Profile (TMP) embraces this diversity, recognising that as we encounter new challenges, learn new skills, and take…

Navigating Organisational Change: Harnessing the Power of the QO2 Profile
October 29, 2023
In the dynamic world of business, change is inevitable. Whether it's technological advancements, market shifts, or internal restructures, organisations must constantly adapt. However, managing change is no easy feat, as individuals react differently to new situations. Enter the QO2 Profile…

Trait Theory: How External Factors Shape Personality
October 13, 2023
The study of human personalities has been an ever-evolving field, seeking to grasp the multifaceted nature of individual characters. While many models have emerged, such as the renowned Big Five and MBTI, there's been a distinct shift towards understanding personality…

Why Coaching Skills are needed now, more than ever before!
September 1, 2023
Coaching has always been around. We have examples of it from ancient times when emperors consulted with the great sages of the period, seeking guidance on the best path forward. In modern times, we are all familiar with the coach…

The Power of Strategic Leadership
May 13, 2023
Leadership Linking Skill: StrategyIn today's rapidly changing business landscape, strategic leadership is no longer optional; it's essential. Strategy, at its core, refers to calculated, deliberate decisions that align with an organisation’s long-term purpose. Yet, all too often, we find organisations…

Igniting Potential: The Linking Leader Skill of Motivation
May 7, 2023
Leadership Linking Skill: MotivationThe art of motivation is more than just persuading someone to complete a task. It's about building relationships, engaging individuals, and continuously inspiring their commitment and energy. As a Linking Leader, your role is to bring out…

Mastering Delegation: A Crucial Linking Skill for High Performing Teams
April 30, 2023
Task Linking Skill: DelegationDelegation is one of the most important Linking Skills a leader can have. It allows team members to take on tasks and develop new skills, leading to a more productive and efficient team. However, delegation is not…